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1st Annual Charity Golf Outing
October 9, 2023 at the New York Country Club

Registration and Lunch 11:30 AM

Driving Ranch Opens 12 noon

Shotgun golf start 1 PM

Dinner Reception 6 PM (immediately following golf)



There are many different ways to support and sponsor our Charity Golf Outing. Options and benefits include:

Tournament Sponsor- $7,500 includes two foursomes, reception, and signage throughout the day

Dinner Sponsor- $5,000 includes one foursome, reception, and signage during dinner

Lunch Sponsor- $3,500 includes two golfers, reception, and signage during registration and lunch

Golf Cart Sponsor- $2,500 includes two golfers, reception, and signage on golf carts

Beverage Cart Sponsor- $2,000 includes two golfers, reception, and signage on beverage cart

Hole-in-One Sponsor- $2,000 includes two reception tickets and signage at the hole-in-one contest

Award Sponsor- $1,500 includes two reception tickets

Putting Green Sponsor- $1,000 includes two reception tickets and signage on putting green

Driving Range Sponsor- $1,000 includes two reception tickets and signage on driving range

Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin- $250 each with signage

Hole Sponsor- $200 each with signage at hole

Questions- call Ron Hansen at 845-627-4721

Ready to Sponsor- call Liz Kendall at 845-627-4766



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